Forks, Washington 98382
Olympic Peninsula Fishing Tackle, Gear, Equipment
Given that our guides are on the water more than 200 days a year it's important for us to have the best equipment out there that does the job as safely and easiest as possible.

Boats and Rafts
Stealthcraft drift boats and NRS rafts outfitted with custom fishing frames are designed and suitable for the specific water conditions we navigate.
The size of the boat can impact their performance, which is why we have the largest boats on the peninsula.
They offer not only more room (equaling more comfort) but are more stable as well.
It's important to have sensitive and durable fishing rods, while also being extremely light. We use Stryker rods for all of our fishing styles.
They have specifically designed rods for all styles of fishing you can expect to do with us including twitching, float fishing, casting spinners, and back-trolling plugs.
Fishing reels are equally important. They need to have enough drag for the fish and conditions you're in. Something with a smooth drag, can hold enough line for your application, and can quickly pick up line.
We use all Daiwa for our gear fishing needs, Kingpin for centerpin, and Reddington reels for fly fishing.

We use PowerPro for all of our mainline on our gear rods and on our centerpin rods. Depending on water conditions we use 30lbL-50lb Super Slick.
This line casts extremely smooth with zero stretch (no more losing fish to stretching monofilament).
Leaders & Hooks
For all of our fishing applications we use Seaguar Invizx 100% fluorocarbon leader ranging from 10lb (for low water conditions) to 20lb. We use Gamakatsu hooks.
They have proven themselves time and again for durability and sharpness.
Waders and Rain Coats
Simms waders are the only waders we recommend. They offer the most comfort and durability on the market of any wader.
For those rainy days in the rainforest we use rubber Grundens pullovers.